Ashmapoo Antivirus 1.3.0 adalah salah satu antivirus terbaru di tahun 2016 dan termasuk Antivirus yang Cukup Ampuh dalam melawan Malware, Virus, Trojan, Worm, Dsb. Selain itu Ashampoo Antivirus juga tidak banyak menggunakan resource komputer sehingga tidak akan memberatkan kinerja windows anda.
Ashampoo Antivirus dibuat berdasarkan file system dari salah satu Antivirus terbaik di Dunia yaitu perusahaan Bitdefender sehingga membuat Antivirus ini tidak boleh diremehkan performa nya.
Fitur - Fitur Ashampoo Antivirus :
- Real-time protection: Neutralizes the attack at the time of their
- Behavior blocker on: Controls the behavior of the application and prevents even unknown threats, such as zero-day threats
- On-access scanner: neutralize the attempts of infection during operations with files
- Scanner with multiple cores: Combines two core scanning for maximum precision
- Custom whitelist to exclude files from the scan
- Web Protection: Prevents access to malicious Web sites
- Game Mode: Automatically manages all security threats to ensure continuous gameplay
- Self-defense: Important part of the program is encrypted to prevent circumvent security mechanisms

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